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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  February 22, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EST

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good friday morning. i'm alison seymour. >> i'm tony perkins. before we get to what's going on in south africa, out to the west icing conditions. what can we expect later? >> if you need a wedding gift around here today, you need a hat. will be cold out, and the threat of wintry mix moving in during the course of the day. it's not going to be a major storm system at all for us. however, temperatures cold overnight. cold the last couple of days. whatever falls here may get a chance to cause a little icing. live look at the radar. you can see how spotty the precipitation is. mix of snow and sleet there falling across the area. i think the most numerous reports are near frederickburg and charlottesville. a little icing reported. you can see the batch crossing 95 and pushing to colonial beach and southern maryland. we'll watch that. temperatures critical the next couple of hours. hoping to push them into the
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mid-30s and transition most of this to plain old light rain and drizzle. to be honest, it will be a slow go, particularly west of town, where temperatures now are in the mid-20s. 34 at reagan national. 31 at dulles. 32 bwi marshall. these temperatures should warm up a little later today as that warmer air up in the upper layers of the atmosphere work their way down. there's your winter weather advisory. nothing locally along the 95 corridor. western maryland, west virginia, and western virginia, advisory until 10:00 tomorrow morning. main concern there is icing. if you're traveling in that direction, if you're a viewer out there, be ready for the potential for icing later. 37 in washington. cloudy skies. wintry mix. not expecting a lot in the way of accumulations. could be enough to cause a little coating or icing in spots. particularly this afternoon if you're traveling, be ready for
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that possibility. more on the weather coming up in just a minute. back to you at the desk. tucker, thank you very much. breaking news from the pistorius trial in south africa. the judge started making his announcement over an hour ago talking about bail. but he's been talking about the evidence and other things, and frankly, has been rambling on about the case for some time now. >> he did say the murder of pistorius' girlfriend was not premeditated as police charged, but says that's a matter for the trial judge. tension has been building in the courtroom, and outside there are dozens of motorcycles as the paparazzi are ready to chase pistorius as he leaves court today. now to the top stories in our area, police believe there is a man or several different men stalking young women and girls in southern montgomery county.
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a young woman reported being followed by a man in a minivan in friendship heights tuesday night. she was able to get into a friend's house after the man got out of his vehicle and came toward her quickly. earlier that afternoon a man driving an suv approached a 13- year-old girl and asked questions and there was a similar incident last friday in silver spring. a fifth grade teacher will appear in court today on charges that he sexually abused students. he is a teacher at meadow hall elementary school in rockville. police say the incidents involve two 11-year-old girls and happened during school hours. he previously taught in fairfax county. also in court today, the so- called east coast rapist, aaron thomas, will be sentenced in prince william county. police say he used to fake gun to force three teenage girls into the woods for sexually attacking two of them on halloween in 2009. thomas is accused of at least
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13 attacks in several states over several decades. a 25-year-old man faces murder charges in the death of a retired atf agent in virginia. 55-year-old greg holley senior was walking his dog thursday night when he was attacked. the suspect was caught a short time later after witnesses pointed him out. eric alexander smith is now facing first degree murder charges. a follow-up to yesterday's deadly house fire in prince george's county. 11-year-old girl remains in critical condition. a 36-year-old man and 8 and 4- year-old girls did die in that fire. a woman and 8-year-old girl were hurt. they are all recovering in stable condition. firefighters are still investigating the cause, but say there were no working smoke
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alarms in that home. tony? a news alert from the defense secretary. leon panetta reportedly says the u.s. will leave between 8,000 and 12,000 troops in afghanistan after next year. the german defense minister told reporters this morning that panetta informed him of those numbers. the white house has not publicly said how many american troops will stay in afghanistan after 2014. it's down to the wire on capitol hill. congress now has one week to strike a sequestration deal. without one, billions of dollars in spending cuts will take place march 1 and could affect millions of americans, including many jobs in the district and surrounding region. sherri ly joins us live with the latest. >> reporter: you can definitely say that the d.c. area is going to feel the pinch. the deadline next friday before those massive budget cuts known
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as sequestration would take place. both sides are talking, but in these final days it seems there's less negotiating and a lot more finger pointing. in the d.c. area we could see steep job losses and cuts because of the large federal workforce and government contractors. $1.2trillionin cuts over the next eight years, $85 billion this year would mean less money for teachers, fewer tsa inspectors to name a few. republicans insist deeper cuts to entitlement programs are needed, not new taxes. >> since the new congress began, they have not put forward one proposal to oppose -- to prevent the sequester. >> the president signed it into law. and for over a year the
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president did nothing to stop it. >> reporter: the across the board cuts are divided evenly between defense and nondefense spending, so that means the d.c. area's defense industry, pentagon and other military programs would be hit hard. only social security, medicaid, veteran benefits and some programs for low income families will be spared. even the smithsonian museums around d.c. and the national zoo will be impacted by these cuts. according to the "washington post," the zoo could lose $10 million and could threaten some exhibits, but would not affect animal care. the cuts would go to anybody who gets federal grant or any kind of federal dollars at all. states and localities are looking closely at their finances, too. that's the latest on capitol hill, back to you. >> affects a lot of people. sherri, thank you. meanwhile, a late night session for a panel of lawmakers in maryland, they approved both a change to sweeping gun control measures and a repeal of the death
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penalty. the senate judicial proceedings committee voted 6-5 on a bill that would ban capital punishment. senators approved an amendment to a gun bill that prohibits anyone who has been involuntarily committed for mental health from owning a handgun. both measures are headed to votes in the full senate and are expected to pass. a new leader in anne arundel county this morning. last night the council elected laura neuman as knew executive. she was up against 15 other candidates. she replaces leopold who resigned earlier this month after he was convicted of misconduct. a fox 5 consumer alert to pass along. nearly 40,000 pounds of pork sausage is being recalled because it may contain small pieces of plastic. smithfield packaging company in
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virginia is leading the recall saying the plastic is likely from gloves their workers wore. the sausage was distributed to several states, including d.c. and maryland. stunning results from a new study about seafood in the united states. it found a third of the seafood sold is mislabeled. over a span of two years the group out of d.c. analyzed seafood samples from nearly 700 retail outlets in 21 states and the district. it shows nearly 90% of the time you think you're buying snapper, you're being given something else. that number is 60% when it comes to tuna. researchers found sushi bars lead the way in mislabeling fish. you're more likely to get an honest catch at a grocery store. and startling news about the flu shot and its effectiveness. this year's version helped only
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9% of seniors who got the shot. that's according to the cdc. health officials say these numbers explain why more people have been hospitalized this year. overall the vaccine was only 56% effective. experts say the results are disappointing and they highlight the need for a better vaccine. 9:10 now. frederick douglas, harriet tubman, muhammad ali, young children portray them. >> she joins us live after the break. [ fe it b alces you... it fill. and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words. what about, what we're about to show you is more than that. it's a black history month exhibit featuring young children as famous african-
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americans. the photographer behind it is in studio to share the inspiration for this and some of the works she has done. let me just say to you, bravo. you did it. >> thank you. >> beautiful. i love the photos. you want her to be on the other side? this is the photo that really, i think, i want to say kind of started the fire storm. i saw this on facebook and it's called the divine 9. basically what it is, it's a child representing each of the historically black greek letter organizations that are still thriving today, many celebrating 100 years and more. this is so -- first of all, it's down right cute. but secondly, it is just so funny. if you know a little bit about the culture. they're showing the different signs that we use to identify each other and the like. >> right. >> tell us about the divine 9. >> so i was talking to a good friend of mine about the
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campaign and the ideas and telling her that i wanted to be able to showcase -- and she said why don't you showcase all of them? i said, absolutely. they were all influential. >> and there is unity among the group. >> absolutely. it kind of clicked. and i thought about it and it made sense and it all came together and the kids were really excited to portray those people. >> full disclosure, we are sorority sisters, so -- >> yes, we are. >> they are so beautiful. >> all of them are great. >> this is part of the larger campaign for black history month, because of them, we can. >> my son was the inspiration behind that campaign who portrays muhammad ali. i thought how he was born around the same year president obama was elected and my 7- month-old was born during president obama's re-election. i thought about how they can
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just do so much because of the people that are blazing trails and those who have blazed trails and because of them we can. i thought what better way to celebrate black history month. >> it brings it to life. >> absolutely. >> it does. this is your handsome son. >> thank you. >> and has the quote, i encourage you to go online and look at these. let's see the next one there. i want to show more of them. we have harriet tubman portrayed here. >> yes. >> this is powerful. little girl doing this, but she's showing her hands and the quote is, i looked at my hands to see if i was the same person now that i was free. >> yes. >> and her eyes and that mona lisa smile. >> the kids definitely channeled, i felt like -- >> yeah. >> i would show them a pick or tell them what i wanted them to do, and they nailed it, like three shots. >> here's little frederick douglas. the outfits, i wish we could see this entire outfit, but it looks like a period piece. his hair, we know his hair that
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is shocking hair that he has. and here is little frederick douglass and that look. here is rosa park as we celebrate the moment as she's getting a statue in washington, d.c. tell us about this picture. >> i wanted to capture the infamous picture of ms. marks after she had been taken into custody for refusing to give up her seat. so this here, i've been photographing this little girl since she was six months old. so i knew in my mind when i thought of rosa parks that she was going to play this role. she channeled her and nailed the shot. of course, that's the number that ms. parks wore when she was taken into custody. >> shirley chisholm, we have a picture of her here. and a lot of people don't. when president barack obama ran successfully and won the white house, a lot of people started learning about shirley who made a run for the white house decades earlier, too. but here she is.
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>> absolutely. >> with her glasses. the earrings. so perfect. before we move on, want to bring in superstars. condoleezza rice, really modern history here. >> absolutely. >> and you have other modern figures. too. run dmc. >> yes. >> i love it. >> russell simmons saw it and said it was dope. >> you've gotten great celebrity actions. general colin powell and condoleezza rice. we have instudio here the models who portray condoleezza rice and colin powell. will you come on in? how cute. what do you think about this? can i get your name? >> gabrielle. >> what do you think about being condoleezza rice? was it fun? >> yes. >> it was? >> you must be the cutest general in the whole world. what is your name? >> jacob. >> jacob? so handsome. what was it like to be general
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powell? for the picture. was it fun to get your picture taken? good luck to both of you. no doubt you'll be the next anything you want to be. how can folks see the photos? can we buy them? >> yes. >> what can we do? >> the photos are available as posters, and there's also an 18- month calendar for shipping in may. it will be from july 2013 to december 2014. it's on the facebook fan page. so it's face jones photography. >> local photographer. now national photographer. world wide web indeed. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> i really enjoy your work. tony, back to you. thank you. >> i lo it. that is a calendar i will have to get. those photos are great. thank you very much. coming up, it did not take long for one man's clever resume to land him a job. now, it was either that or his new boss was really hungry at
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the time. we'll explain. >> also, a pen that lets you make 3-d creations. how it's drawing inspiration from a common craft tool ahead. >> first, let's check in with holly. >> reporter: good morning. we are live this morning at corcoran gallery, where they have a new exhibit opening tomorrow that has everything to do with the under ground music culture of the 80s. when groups like trouble funk took to the stage. guess what? big tony and crip from trouble funk are going to join us and will talk about performing during that time and how you can see them live during this weekend. that's coming up on fox 5 morning news. stay with us.   
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here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate.
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♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. back now with our talkers of the day. a futuristic form of payment. students at the school of mimes and technology are using their fingerprints to pay. it tests the fingerprints for a pulse to reduce scams. the transaction is paperless
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since the receipt is e-mailed to the customer. here's one resume that is sure to satisfy anyone's cravings. it's made out of chocolate. the photo posted includes all of the information a paper resume would, including education and work experience. in case you're wondering, the person got that job. who wouldn't hire him after that? >> pays to be creative sometimes. a startup firm has developed an interesting new tool. take a look. it's called the three doodler. it's essentially a 3-d pen. there's a powered electric heater that melts plastic, which cools as it comes out, similar to a glue gun used for crafts. look at that. users can create sophisticated three-dimensional shapes. the company hopes to have the pen ready for sale later this year. it will cost around $75. look at that. you've got to have some skills,
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obviously. you're not impressed? why aren't you impressed? >> seems like i've seen it before. >> okay. >> i like it, wobbler works. >> wobblely, wobblely. coming up, if you pay to go to someone's wedding, should you buy a gift, too? we're talking about if you travel, a destination type wedding. etiquette consultant will share the answer. >> i can't wait to hear this. first, it's true, women do talk more than men. >> what are you even talking about? >> this is not coming from me. >> what are you saying, like we are talking too much? like when you're trying to talk? >> when i'm trying to talk -- >> the proof researchers found ahead. >> that's ridiculous. flirting with winter. we're not in for a whopper of a storm, but could we see a little snow here and there tonight? tucker has the forecast when we come back. >> i can't wait for tucker.   
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents are awesome. but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast.
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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we finally have breaking news out of south africa where we've been waiting to find out whether or not oscar pistorius would be granted jail. the magistrate says he'll be granted bail. this just happened. it's pretty much all we know at this point. the judge has been talking for a very long time this morning, and some time ago made it clear he did not believe that what happened happened in pistorius' home, he did not believe it was premeditated. though he said that would be for a trial judge to ultimately decide. he has now granted pistorius bail. we'll get more details about this later on in the morning. >> huge development. >> uh-huh. okay. i said earlier we were flirting with winter weather. >> that's right. what we've been doing all winter long. got to keep moving. you can see it moving on in from the south and west.
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first, it's not very well organized, not a lot of anything with it. it's scattered in nature. there is winter weather out there. it's pushing in from the south and west. had reports from our viewers out, and thanks for sending in your observations here, in west virginia, reported snow and sleet. had a band developing towards charlottesville. rain mixed in with sleet with temperatures below freezing. the big risk later today will be the potential for freezing rain off to the north and west. with temperatures slow to budge, that's where we're most likely to have to deal with the advisory. let temperatures. they budged a little bit. 33 now in washington. 33 quantico. 35 in fredericksburg. 36 culpeper. north and west of the town, you were in the mid-20s overhard. temperatures will be slow to budge.
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with warmer air in the upper levels of the atmosphere moving in, it's spreading over these cold temperatures here at the surface. that's why we'll be dealing with this potential wintry mix later today. not expecting a lot in the way of accumulations. maybe enough to coat the ground in some spots. maybe a little bit of an icy accumulation of snow and sleet later today. then temperatures should warm up gradually. as we saw on our temperature map, much of the area will be dealing with light drizzle this afternoon. again, north and west of town where you stand the greatest risk for a prolonged icing event. what else can we look forward to? area of low pressure will develop off the delmarva peninsula, sliding off the coast tomorrow. and we'll have just enough warm air, it will be a cold rain. maybe drizzle early tomorrow and our saturday doesn't look great, unfortunately. by sunday back into the sunshine with warmer temperatures. very dry air overhead. a lot of what's falling is not touching the ground.
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not loving the idea of anything soon. by 2:00, wintry mix spreading across the area. could be a couple of issues here with an afternoon commute. particularly to the west. traveling later today, keep that in mind. 4:00. and probably drizzle overnight before rain redevelops early tomorrow morning. 11:00, notice it's all rain by tomorrow morning. 37 today. that's what we're hoping to get to. that will be enough to change anything over to rain. winds out of the north and east at 5 to 10. wintry mix transitioning to rain, with the exception of our friends to the west. 33 tonight. light amounts here. winds south and east at 5 to 10. warmer tomorrow with showers around. will be rather gray and gloomy. highs about 40. back near 50 with sunshine monday and more spring-like for the end of the weekend. that's a look at weather. back to you guys. ♪ you talk too much ♪ you never shut up ♪
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♪ i said you talk too much ♪ >> is that rev run? >> yeah, how about that? fellows, listen up, first i want to say the script i'm about to read was written by a woman. next time a woman says you're not listening, you can say she talks too much. just kidding. researchers at the university of maryland say that women do in fact talk more than men. about 13,000 words a more a day to be precise. talking is linked to a specific protein and women have a higher amount. >> we cheer better and are internally driven. >> yeah. sometimes we are accused of not hearing what you're saying. i think sometimes because so much is being said, that the male brain -- >> selectivively. >> yeah. >> that's what happens. >> probably. >> there's only so much room, allison. >> i bet the counterpart to
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that study will be the male ability to retain or to actually listen. if there's scientific research or scientific behind that we talk too much -- do you understand what i'm saying? you're not listening to me at all. >> are you going to let tony talk here? >> all right. there's no other woman in the studio. >> what's next? >> it's all about glitz and glam. a listers hit the red carpet for the oscars. >> you may think some of the awards are too close to call. kevin mccarthy says there are front-runners. he joins us after the break. we'll be right back. dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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♪  ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy.
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with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, we're cracking open the buzz bin. hollywood's best hit the red carpet this sunday for the 85th oscars. but who should win isn't always who takes home the award.
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movie reviewer kevin mccarthy joins us again live from new york city with his predictions. good morning. >> good morning. can we do a fist bump? >> let's do it. >> want to talk about the supporting actor category first. >> this is an interesting category. every actor in this category has already won an award before. the split here, tommy lee jones, my best friend on the planet, took home the sag award. if you haven't seen that interview, go online to awkward tommy lee jones interviews, it
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will make you cringe. harvey feinstein is backing christophwaltz and i think he should win. >> best actor, everyone is saying daniel day lewis. >> yeah, daniel day lewis is pretty much 99.9% locked in to win. two interesting facts here, daniel day lewis, if he wins sunday night, he'll be the first actor in history to have three best actor wins. also, this fact is staggering. no actor or actress has ever
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won an academy award for appearing in a steven spielberg film, which is amazing to me. he could make history. i feel bad for hugh jackman and joaquin phoenix -- >> are you still there? we may have lost -- okay, sounds like we lost kevin. allison, we're up. sounded like he was saying that all the best actor nominees have had the performances of their careers so far. i know bradley cooper was astounding in ""silver linings playbook"." and kevin believes hugh jackman should win, but he thinks daniel day lewis will win because of the momentum and everything. >> daniel day lewis became, you know, what we assume was abraham lincoln. i started looking into it, was
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he as quirky as that, did his voice sound like that. it intrigued me. we'll see on sunday. >> the interesting thing to me is, and kevin is right, in any other year, any of these other actors would win. denzel washington was amazing. >> he was. >> but daniel day lewis is in there. >> sad we missed kevin. >> you can view all his predictions on our web site,, click on the morning tab. it's almost wedding season. before you check out that gift registry, might want to pay close attention to today's ask allison. coming up, an etiquette expert weighs in. >> and pump me up, holly is showing us a look at underground d.c. members of trouble funk join her with a throwback live after the break.
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. , huh? verizon 4g lte. 700 megahertz spectrum, end-to-end, pure lte build. the most consistent speeds indoors or out. and, obviously, astonishing throughput. obviously... you know how fast our home wifi is? yeah. this is basically just as fast. oh. and verizon's got more fast lte coverage than all other networks combined. so it's better. yes. oh, why didn't you just say that? huh-- what is he doing?
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
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♪ tell me something good ♪ wedding gifts can be expensive. so when you add in fees for a destination wedding, watching a family member or friend tie the knot, it could set you quite a bit. so is it okay not to give the newlyweds a gift? i received today's ask allison from a woman whose daughter was recently married. here's part of her e-mail. not one guest sent the couple a gift. she writes, i understand not bringing a toaster to a destination wedding. obviously you would send such a gift to the couple's home or their parents' home. but to not give a gift at all? i'm so surprised and hurt for this couple. is there something that i'm missing? please reeducate people on their wedding etiquette. she signed it, astonished mom. so let me just say, if we could
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stay on camera three, i want to address this personally for a second, i really thought that you always give a gift, no matter what. so perhaps you send it to the house and mom is right, i wouldn't take a big gift overseas or wherever i'm going. but you would at least send it or maybe, you know, a gift card or something like that. that is what i thought. but, you know, this mom was so outraged that i thought i would call in a pro on this. so joining me now is nancy michelin. nancy is an etiquette consultant and advisor and owner of the etiquette advocate. i had to call you in, because i just didn't know. what's the short answer here? >> i think i agree with you, allison. it's customary that when you attend a wedding you give a gift. but who knows what's going on behind the scenes here. people already expended a lot of time, energy, expense to get to the destination wedding. so perhaps they thought they had already given their love,
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support by being there. now, when i read your question, i thought the mother was saying there were a few people who didn't give a gift. i'm sure the majority of people do, because they know the etiquette rule, if you will. etiquette is flexible, as circumstances are. maybe somebody forgot. maybe somebody has economic distress at this point. maybe they thought they had given in their presence. i love the focus of the question, it was we are so blessed with people coming to this event. then it took that giant left turn where we focus on gifts. that's what i'd like us to get away from. yes, when you go to a wedding you bring a gift. but all kinds of circumstances. let's not count the packages. >> this mom said her daughter didn't get anything. >> oh. >> and it's been a couple of months. so if a gift was going to come to the home, nobody sent anything. >> if it's nobody, that is so,
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so unusual. >> right. >> but i like to recommend, if you accept an invitation, you normally do go. >> okay. >> what may have been going on with this group is they thought their gift was attending the wedding. think of the investment when you go on a destination wedding, the travel expenses, hotel. >> sure. >> perhaps that's what they were thinking. >> should you, in this modern age, then, because i don't remember like back 20 years ago i guess when a lot of my friends were getting wedding or 10 years ago, we stayed locally. i've never even been to a destination wedding. so could it be that all of these folks just, as you said, just assumed that this was where we're going to spend our money in getting there? >> it must have been the case. >> okay. >> but as an etiquette expert, should you send something? >> you should. customarily, you attend a wedding and you give a gift. the mom said, you the gift to the wedding. even if it's a local wedding, don't bring the gift.
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send it ahead, deliver it in person before or after the wedding. don't cause that hardship where somebody has to guard the stuff. >> right. >> at the wedding and transfer the stuff to somebody's trunk. >> and pay to ship it back. i like what you said, the present, perhaps, should have been the presence of the loved ones. but this mom, i don't know what the bride herself says, but her mom is, she's not happy. sure it cost a lot of money, too. >> great deal of money. she made that point, too. they made an investment. but i would think my, perhaps my presence there was a present. that's all we can do. always give people the benefit of the doubt. don't count presents. don't ever hold somebody accountable for that. fifth anniversary i don't want them to say, david and linda never gave us a present. we're not going to keep score. >> got to let it go.
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that's a lesson in etiquette, too. nancy you are wonderful. will you come back. >> sure. >> thank you for being here, and accused hair. cute hair. if you have a question for me,, click on the morning tab for a link to ask allison. tony, back to you. thank you very much. could go go get recognized as fine art? we're getting a look at the latest exhibit at the corcoran gallery. pump me up looks at the 80s. and if you weren't in the area back then, don't worry. holly is chatting with experts to get you up to speed. holly, this has been so much fun this morning. >> reporter: this really is a lot of fun. i keep thinking for all those people that thought the sub culture back then during the 80s was a bad thing, look who is getting the last laugh now, right? they are being showcased here at the corcoran gallery. we have a lot of stuff to get through. i want to start with caleb, the assistant curator, one of them.
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good morning to you. >> good morning. >> reporter: for all the people that have walked into this this morning, it seems like the biggest reaction comes from these posters. >> absolutely. i think they're such an indicator of fun. they indicate a fun time, and that's what they were advertising. they were advertising the go go bands of the '80s, and these would be posted up all over d.c. and they were advertising a good time. they had to represent. >> reporter: what is really interesting is no matter who was playing, there was one company that made all the posters. >> absolutely. this was all by globe poster, based in baltimore. and their catalog was really a hall of fame of music. these were all made quickly and they were designed to be -- they were inexpensive and could be taken on a week's notice maybe and advertise your show. >> reporter: look at those. >> absolutely. >> reporter: do you think people understood at the time these were collectors' items?
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>> i think a lot of young kids from d.c. definitely took them down and would have them on their bedroom walls or something. but they certainly weren't thought of as valuable. but they are now. >> reporter: they are now. if we only knew, right? you have two current ones you want to show. i want to get those on. one is for the exhibit, right? >> this one is for the exhibit. these are by globe poster. this one is for the show this sunday. trouble punk is headlining. >> reporter: wait a minute, wait a minute. let me look at that. is that you? >> yes, without the jerri curl. >> reporter: say hello again. >> hello. >> reporter: yours is nice, but that kind of resonates. when you walked in and saw this? >> this is beautiful.
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taking me back. it's what we plan to do sunday, take them back. >> reporter: talk to me. we have video of you all performing back in the day. kind of take me back to that time. what do you remember most about it? >> back in the day, the crowds. the crowds and enthuse a.m. for the music. just overwhelming to have that kind of enthusiasm in the city where you can play every week and get the same type of crowd. thousands of kids coming every week. >> reporter: your best memory? >> man, just playing with a lot of those funk groups, and just seeing how the people, the audience interact as well. two different styles of music, but they was like on it. i remember the old 930 club, you know, and we would play with fish bone, and some of those groups and they have a totally different style. the music was raw.
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the people just lose their mind. >> reporter: do you still like to play the old stuff, or do you like to play new stuff now? >> you know, a lot of our old stuff is like classic music, and -- >> reporter: don't mess with a classic. right. >> we play a lot of our old music, and of course we're like a new twist, bring it up-to- date a little bit. we're going to have all the original members this sunday. we're going to take them back, and we're going to get a little new on them, too. >> reporter: tell them what you were singing earlier. come on. he's classic. but he's also current. >> i'm current a little bit. ♪ i got $20 in my pocket ♪ >> reporter: i was just listening to that song on the radio. i'm not kidding. >> i love that song. >> reporter: i love that song. i love you all. just take all this in and be proud of it. it is you and it is d.c. >> thank you. >> reporter: it is nice.
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the d.c. jam is sunday at the 930 club. doors open at 3:00. they expect it to run it will about 11:00 or so. >> yes. >> reporter: pump me up here opens tomorrow, runs through april 7th. come out. really, it's a fabulous exhibit. we have more fox 5 morning news when we come back. stay with us. ♪ drop the dom ♪ >> reporter: tell me you love me. i want to hear it in that voice. >> i love you. [ wiwind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley.
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9:58 am
pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. we just had an etiquette expert here. start your week off right and be polite to someone. >> love it. >> maybe we could learn something from john, who may be the most polite cat you would ever see. john's owner wants to pet him, but john nicely pats away their
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hand. >> okay to say you don't want to be pet by your owner? >> cats are picky and finicky. >> he could say, swipe, don't pet me! but he's doing it nicely. let's check out our pet of the day. >> so cute. >> ginger the dog. adorable! send your pet's picture or video to us at petpics >> taking the dog or cat out later today, wintry mix. mostly cloud cover across the region. though parts of the area now reporting this light wintry mix. combination of snow, sleet, and maybe freezing rain today. might be light accumulations. not expecting a lot of anything. live look at radar. moving in from the south and west. let me emphasize, not a major event for us. but could be a few travel issues later today. be ready for that possibility. later tonight it w


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